Monday, 2 February 2015

My New Job!

I thought since I haven't been posting much I may as well tell you guys about my new job. 

I was unemployed before this job, due to my mental health issues, but now I'm on a scheme that has me in a placement for six months, that will also get me a qualification in Business Admin.

So for the next Six Months I will be doing Receptionist work in a recruitment agency in the next town over from me (which is about 10 minutes away). This means I'll be working in a very busy environment, with a lot of people coming and going all day. This means it will be a full on challenge for my Social Anxiety. 

Already I've made huge progress in that I am able to speak to people when they come in and I'm communicating well with my co workers. Its also giving me a chance to work on more simplistic make-up styles and how to dress properly for a "smart casual" work place. This means experimenting with different looks that I wouldn't normally try. I've actually bought skirts! I plan to use both of my new skirts in an OOTD Post soon, when I'm away with my boyfriend over Valentines Week.

Doing this job is really helping me out with confidence, and my ability to work as part of a team. 
I'm definitely not suggesting every person with an anxiety condition goes out and gets a job similar to this, nor am I saying going into the deep end to battle your problem will work, it could have went completely wrong, but it didn't. This could have gone in the complete opposite direction and I could have had an anxiety attack within minutes of starting work, but I didn't. There are times when I'm in work in a state of panic because of the volume of people that are in the same small area as I am, and there are jobs I find more difficult than others due to my anxiety; like the jobs ring-a-round.

On top of this, I am preparing for my week away with my boyfriend to Dublin and London; so soon I will be scheduling posts to go up during this time. Also while I'm away I'll be making sure to take a lot of pictures to do more posts when I get back.

I do promise to try to keep posting as much as I can, even if its a rambling post.
Until Next Time!

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